I am really open with stuff that I create or think of, because I want it to be done, even if it’s not me doing the work, even if I don’t get any credits, even if I don’t get any money.. Damn.. Was I Nikola Tesla in my last life? He died broke and unknown to the majority of the worlds population even though his inventions changed the world totally!
Any way I want to share what is going on, how ever big or small it is, It’s going in here, It’s all about transparency for me, and if you have anything to add to this or anything that you would like to say just contact me about it directly! I will read as soon as humanly possible and answer when I can!
I grew really tired of the littering that is going on constantly every frikkin day globally. I have my thoughts about why and such, but it’s not really up for debate from my side of it all, in which what to do about it. Just pick it up. It’s not that hard. It’s a slow growing project in order to actually indoctrinate people with a shamming strategy, to be honest, but it all has to do with what they themselves associate to.
Those whom walks past what has been thrown on the ground, and don’t PICK IT UP;
are of the same mentality as the one that littered. Even if I would never intend to ever do the same.
Slisk Lindqvist
- Pick It Up
So that is basically what I have to say about it and I will be going about it by ‘bombing’ windows and trashcans with decals and maybe even start up a new project wherein I start to repaint them, because as it is now creates a blockade in usage and people don’t really associate trash with a trashcan, but instead the trashcan with nature with it’s green and black colours that is meant to have them vanish into nothingness. I say they need to be re-painted in a whole other colour, maybe even have real painters do some work on them, so that they are seen as art and is noticed. People walk past the trashcans as it is now and then misplace the litter on the ground instead of in the cans.
Do I need a merch shop? Do I need a web shop at all? I don’t think so, but I will create one anyways, because I need one that isn’t that serious, that I can sit and fiddle with so that I don’t fudge up the other one that I will need to fix with, It is actually already created, but not this one, this one is on a shelf somewhere…
The Hug Network, is a project that I hold to heart it’s a humane organization, which has it’s goals in diminishing, peoples debts, give back to nature, and partly end hunger, by sending seeds instead of money, and by investing in water conversion projects and it’s all donation based, which is why I also need to create the donation shop.
The Hug Network, wants to work against debts, by with donations paying debts and loans, so that people can live free lives. These donations will have a physical decal for The Hug Network purpose, because I do have something in mind. - CLEAN WATER PROJECTS
We want to invest in clean water projects, from salt to fresh water conversion and other stuff. - CLEAN ENERGY ENERGY
We want to invest in clean energy technology, this means thorium based power plants and water energy projects. - CHEAP HOUSING PROJECTS
You can read about Movable housing and Floating Housing later on. - THE INVESTMENT GAMES
As parts of donation money goes to investments in projects, debts and food stuff, people are still going to be able to also take part in the investment games, wherein when 1 million SEK, this is about 100 000€ is accumulated, it goes into a full on donation cycle, where in the whole amount goes to one person, and that person is not viable to win again for about 25 years. It’s also only viable for people that have made donations, but is only going to start when one million people have donated, it’s a one in a million chance. - TRANSPARENCY
Oh I don’t want people to give away their money without knowing exactly what the total sum has been used on, I will have an open account so to speak, where in it’s divided into different sections of usage, but all the parts will be visible for people to go through and they will be able to comment on specific uses. This is how I envision the future to be when it comes to donations overall. I don’t like how we are told one thing and then it’s used on ads and other stuff. The Investment Game will be enough of an ad from my perspective.
This is going to be the center of attention, I cannot start it fully yet, because I have debts, that stops me from creating things that could possible end up with revenue of any kind. It’s going to be a shop for buying donation merch and donating to specific things.
The cost of creation and shipping will always be the minimum cost and the shipping will be set to an international one so that everyone regardless of where they live pay the same amount, the difference is going to end up in the donations anyway.
I do have a specific update blog for all of this on the hug network website, where I will post updates for things like this, there is a lot of coding that will be needed for this project and at this given moment, I have yet to learn any programming languages, I don’t know If I need to create it in Python, C# or any other language yet.
Updates will be shown and the monthly costs for hosting and other stuff will be handed down on the donation page here on
I am tired of the Duality visuals and discussions, it’s time to create a information center where people express their experiences both from usage or a close relatives usage, both in text or video format, this to determine the positives & negatives from usage in order to get a usage perspetive. It should also have the scientific perspectives both with the positives and the negatives, and it’s going to be broken down into parts the whole substance and then it’s parts, like;
I think this is a better way to also come to a conclusion of what is and isn’t dangerous in the hands of a user, from this people can gather as much real data and information as possible, we need to be able to differ from what is a social effect and what is a medical effect and what is a damaging effect, and stop the propaganda train that has so much faulty information, when it comes to all substances really.
Coffee as another example, isn’t that good to be honest, the healthiest way to ingest coffee is to do so before 10 am and definitely not add to that after 12 pm, because of the ten hour breakdown of the substance, which actually stops your body from working properly, which means it does not give you energy, it cuts of the communication between what tells your body you are tired, and the rest of the body which makes you overuse your body instead.
As I stated in the beginning, or didn’t, this is my biggest project to date, since it involves a lot of people later on, right now it’s just an Idea, which needs to be added upon.
The usual stuff… I woke up, went to the toilet, and thought about CS, how you would like to do less movements while playing, being able to possibly write at the same time as you are controlling the movement, so I thought, If I take my mouse and have it underneath the keyboard then? Well it’s in the way, so If I make the mouse part of the keyboard then…
It would more or less be something like a joystick on a board, that doesn’t work too good, well, if you have like a place where you can place your palm it would be a good thing, one moving part and you use all the buttons around you as macro keys, but when I sad down sketching on the design, I noticed that it’s going to also work instead of the left and right joysticks on a a joypad, making it possible to do even more things at the same time, the full motion sensor more or less works like the old labyrinth board game, and with 8-13 laser sensors underneath you are going to be able to first of all, do all the directional movements, you are also going to be able to look up and down with ease, and to the sides, plus have a button or laser sensor in the middle of it all, giving it immense possibilities.
These sensor mice/joysticks could later on end up being used for the precision operations that people do, also it could be coded so that fast movements don’t operate if you are doing an operation, or controlling a drone or a robot, so a sneeze wouldn’t kill someone, and … I’m on a roll! How do I create this?!
Now think that this board is a concave & ergonomic placement for the end of the palm, and it’s movable in all directions, where in it tilts forward, backwards and to the sides, and alternatively has a pressure sensor in the form of another laser, all they do is measure distances, and that is translated into movement. I do have different Ideas for how to stop the it from moving, it all has with distance.. It’s like I see the whole process in my mind, as soon as I think of it, it gets added or changed.
This is actually about my Ford Escort MK3 -1982. I am going to convert it into either electricity or hydrogen, but I still have to make it run legally on roads and that is what I have been doing very slowly for years now, by putting money into a black hole, it’s how it feels anyway, and I need more money in order to get it fixed, when I have the money, I will be able to fix the car.
New springs & dampeners. - GEAR BOX
The one I have is 4 gears in which 2, maybe three of them works, so I am currently looking for a new one with 5 gears instead, so that I don’t use up as much gasoline. - BATTERY
It’s a given, the old one just didn’t have it in itself to keep on living. - GENERATOR
While the one I have actually works fine, I have a 110Amp on it’s way, and it’s needed for a hydrogen generator, so Yeah. - MORE….
There is more, but I can’t remember for the time being, all I know is that i need 820€ and I don’t have it, and what I have stated for the time being is not something that goes up in those costs at all. I will look into it asap and add to this list.
What have I not done… To be honest, it’s so much and I’m starting to get tired of writing, I have been adding lots of projects to the page. Some of them had not been announced earlier. I really want this car to be a done project, but I still need 820€ for that to happen, and lots of hours to get it started.
This is a little project that I started up after seeing a video on how to make one I will probably make a photoshoot or a video with the process, it’s going to be a 200 mm big ferro cell, if it’s possible to maintain that size without having the ferrofluid trying to gather up on itself in usage.
Then it was the computer! I have an old computer at the moment, it sometimes takes the Ryzen 1700x up to a minute to render the small pictures that I am working with, I think it’s also that I don’t have enough ram, but I can’t be sure to be honest. I have 32 GB in the computer right now, and It’s not really the best option for a Ryzen CPU at all, it’s not fully complying…
This here is at least a time table for me to follow, If I can manage to save 200€ per month, this is the autistic side of me speaking, now… There is also some ADHD in there, and it’s a bit impulsive, on top of that I might even be bipolar. I don’t know, but I keep having prolonged episodes of activity and happy mentality wherein I get obsessed with what I am doing, and then I’m burnt out and depressed for months on an end, because I used up all the serotonin created over the last negligent time period. I was going to do lots of things today, but I ended up fixing the projects page after having an idea that I just had to add to the projects…
I want to create fully functional housing for any occasion or settlement size. If I can get this going properly, then I would be able to create a home that has a cost of about 50 000€ and you would own it, that is only the first batch though, the better the manufacturing comes along later on, and faster, the cheaper it gets. If I can practically give away without it economically going the other way around, then that is what I am thinking of, I would like everyone to own a roof over their heads that Is cheap, and has no value sold second hand, (meaning cannot be taken because of debts etc.) It will still have it’s value as a whole.
It’s supposed to be in one form, and movable, and created for minimalism and comfort, it should have everything that is necessary in order to have a normal ‘modern’ life and it’s purpose is to be what you have and not what you want exchange instead of. There is lots of crisis problems in our world we don’t have homes, we don’t have water, we don’t have electricity, or capabilities to clean ourselves, this project is one of many that I have in mind in order to create simplicity. I know that many people don’t like it when everything looks the same, but you have paint, both as spray and in other shapes. So it’s not about having a sterile communistic community it’s more about not putting so much interest in the material and using the home for what it was created for, as a place of rest and solitude.
Recycled glass as windows & isolation, but the big thing or answer here is Foam Crete. A house built with this will not only be automagically isolated from warmth & cold which creates a stable indoor temperature, it will also be burn proof and water proof in a way… It will float. ;D I will also use both Hemp and Bamboo, because they are the most interesting materials to date to use. - HIGH PRESSURE MIST SHOWER
Something that I like is showering, rather I love taking bath’s so the room for this purpose will be built in a way that it’s a low level bathtub, you don’t need a swimming pool indoor, might not even be indoor and it should have a mist shower for the purpose of the opposite, to use as little water as possible. The high pressure is created by stuffing the shower head with something that limits the water volume, and the mist is created by having a plate with nanosized holes between you and the water. It should be what everyone is forced to use in this day and age to be honest, and this is why I also want to add it to the cheap housing, the tech isn’t cheap, but in the length of it’s existence it’s going to prove it’s value. - SELF CLEANING WATER
Grander Water, This is actually an invention that is used in some parts of Germany wherein sound breaks down bacteria & other stuff so that it doesn’t form, which makes the water really revitalized and as clean as it can be, probably cleaner and healthier then to stuff tanks with chemicals anyway. It’s being used in a bathhouse as of now and have replaced some industries consumption of chemicals in order to kill of algae etc. It is a really interesting invention. - SELF SUSTAINING ELECTRICITY
A non toxic solar panel array would be preferable. - SELF-RECYCLING TOILET
Campers or moving houses, usually use one of these, they are hygienic and either burn the stuff or make it into plantable soil. - MORE …
There is more that I haven’t really thought of at the moment, but there are things that needs to be thought of for electricity and water. I can already think of ways to handle electric wires etc.
As stated in the title, it’s an extension, you put your home on top of a floating segment that can be put together with others to create a temporary community on water, it gives the capability of crossing oceans and if it sinks, your home should still be floating because of it’s building materials, which makes it possible to send out a rescue party within reasonable time.
I would very much want the housing to be sold with a GPS device that connects to a database, wherein if the bottom gets disconnected with the house it automagically alerts us, so that we can call you to determine if it’s about a repair or rescue. - HEXAGONAL PLATFORM
The floating home is a hexagonal platform that is self containing with a water & a excrement reservoir and it is set on pontoons to ensure floating capabilities, it has a deck covered with bamboo, and if I can have it my way, it’s going to be a skeleton structure with a material that does not fail in prolonged exposure of sunlight or water.
This is because my mother and her husband had a couple of companies, and I started thinking of this as something that I could actually start, but I am not the person that like to wander into other peoples homes and clean them. This is a experiment rather then anything else, but for me to even consider making this one a reality, I will need help.
I have my mother that is a certified cleaner, so I could have her as a teacher and then just look for people to work. I need to think of how to market it though and how to get it working. It’s expensive having cars and stuff, could get a leasing deal though, but I don’t know. I wanted to start something small, that is competitive and affordable, but that means basically becoming a slave owner, because you will have to be able to pay people also, but I don’t think I want to go with the hour model there, I would rather have it that you get x amount paid, per square meters cleaned.
Laws and regulation will probably stop me from creating a functional model anyway. haha
This is a new project, that I don’t really know if I am going to go through with properly, I don’t know if I am driven enough to make the necessary changes in life for such a big thing, especially when it comes to the other projects that are all half started or not at all started.
KRIST-ALL (KA for short.) Is a Swedish Political Party that I am about to form, I will register it within a couple of month’s from this post, so it should be up and running in June 2021. Right now it’s the end of March 2021 [23/3-’21], and I don’t know where to begin to be honest, I did write down the thoughts that I have had for about 3-4 years now, and started creating a ‘Party Program’ if you could call it that. It’s what I want to change or evolve in order to get people more conscious and later on when the time is right, it’s going to go for Direct Democracy as it’s choice of tool, because I think people need to take part in the choices regarding themselves and others.
Party Program In Swedish|
I have not created a website yet, because I don’t know if the logo should be KA (Two Open Arm’s) or if it should be …
Wait….. I JUST GOT IT! Thank you merciless brain of mine! Logo will be added shortly! … ADDED… About 6 hours or so later.
There are a bunch of competing political parties in Sweden that I will have to fend of or consume. I want this party to take in the others, and create one Political party, people don’t need choices, they need actions and the less options, the more action there is. I want KRIST-ALL (Cryst-al translated from Swedish) to operate with the people in mind, and with equality at hand. It’s supposed to be the political party that, becomes the governed and not the people. So I have lots of work to do in order to set it fort.
As I said there are multiple other political parties out there and two of them are very similar too each other, and when I had a look at one of the parties political program, because I have to research in order to get more insights, and one called ENHET, actually had a bunch of similarities to my idea. So I really need to work on how to become ‘different’ from them, but one thing that all others have that I will not have, as long as it’s not a Swedish law surrounding it. Equality starts at the bottom and follows to the top, so no hierarchy, a member is a friend, a friend is an equal. Check out the LOGO, I’m happy that I did learn about the sign KA from Egyptian hieroglyph’s meaning ‘Life Essence’, which is a bit centred in how I think about things.
Me and and Aussie friend had a discussion about the mark of the beast, the number of the beast and so on and, eventually we started to joke around about how people just swallow whatever people appoint to them, while not thinking, and somewhere in all of this, she ended up saying ‘Anti-Sheep’ and it became a laugh, that lasted, to the degree that we actually started talking about the look of the sheep, and added an opposition, and called that the Sheep, but I dub it Holy-Sheep(-it), So the Anti-Shit and Holy-Shit needs a trinity since everything seems to be in one, so why not have the Hero-Sheep, it’s still a design in progress on all three of them, but they have a purpose. Eventually. ^^
The only pictures actual pre-designs are on a physical paper, and I need to buy a part to my computer so that I can start painting them for hand, since the mouse precision isn’t good enough. I really want to make Trigger a reality.